RSE Statement
At Kennett Primary School we believe Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is learning about emotional, social and physical aspects of our lives, and our relationships with others. It enables our pupils to develop essential life skills for building and maintaining positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships. It explores risks, choices, rights, responsibilities and attitudes. It will help pupils develop the skills needed to keep themselves and others safer, physically and emotionally, both online and in the physical world. RSE enables pupils to explore their own attitudes and those of others respectfully.
The intent of our Relationships and Sex Education curriculum is to support our pupils through their physical, emotional and moral development. We offer a successful programme, firmly embedded in PSHE, which will help young people learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood, through adolescence into adulthood.
Our programme aims to provide the basis for an ongoing programme of RSE that begins in Reception and continues through to Year 6. It will assist children to:
- develop positive, personal values and a moral framework that will guide their decisions and behaviour;
- respect themselves and others, their views, backgrounds, cultures and experiences;
- develop respectful, caring relationships based on mutuality, reciprocation and trust;
- develop their ability to keep themselves and others safe, physically and emotionally, online and in the physical world;
- develop their understanding of different families and how families are central to the wellbeing of children;
- recognise and avoid coercive and exploitative relationships;
- explore relationships in ways appropriate to their age and stage of development;
- value, care for and respect their bodies;
- build confidence in accessing additional advice and support for themselves and others.
Through the delivery of our RSE programme, we intend to further our school’s aims of providing a curriculum which is relevant to the needs of our pupils, both now and in the future. It will enable pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance their personal development and wellbeing. At Kennett Primary school, we teach RSE as set out in our policy.
For our full RSE policy, please click here